Toddler Behavior Chart

A toddler behavior chart can be a great positive parenting tool that is both cheap and very effective. Rewarding good behavior is a great way to keep toddlers under control. Children, especially toddlers, are susceptible to bribery. If they understand the consequences of their good behavior they are more likely to self-regulate and behave. Toddlers constantly seek out attention so having a method on hand that offers rewards rather than punishment can be a great way to encourage good behavior.

A toddler behavior chart doesn't have to be bought, you can make one at home. Engage the toddler in the activity of making the reward chart so that they have a vested interest in it from the beginning. You could use cardboard from an old box and cover it with paper. Make it bright and colorful so that your toddler is attracted to it.

Find old magazines or birthday cards and use the pictures from these to create a border. Make sure you include the toddlers name at the top of the chart. You can cover the chart in some contact if you like so that it can be re-used.

Once you have finished creating the chart put it in a prominent place such as on the fridge or their bedroom door. Make sure it is highly accessible so it serves as a constant reminder of the reward that is in store.

While you are designing your chart, discuss with your toddler what the reward will be and when they will receive the reward. You can use a sticker system so that good behavior is rewarded with a sticker. For instance, the large reward could be a trip to the park when they have reached 5 stickers. The reward does not have to be expensive; in fact it would be better if it included more quality time with you as their parent than a gift.

Make sure that you describe what sort of behavior is worthy of a sticker. Some examples may be a trip to the shops without tantrums, using their manners and playing nicely with others. Offering a sticker to put on the reward chart provides them with a small reward that can be given instantly in response to good behavior. Once they have accumulated a certain number of stickers.

Using a reward system works especially well for children need a little bit of extra direction with their behavior. Toddler behavior charts are a great tool for any parent wishing to teach their toddler that good behavior is rewarded and valued.

Lisa Baade is the author of Toddler Interpreter, A Parent's Guide to Baby Sign Language for Hearing Babies and Toddlers.

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