Should Autistic Children be Responsible For Their Temper Tantrums

All children need to learn to take responsibility for their behavior. But, what about autistic children who have a behavior problem of temper tantrums. Should we make excuses for them, No, children with autism must be taught that they are responsible for their behavior, and they too, as other children without the disorder will be corrected and guided into a better way of displaying these emotions that can be controlled and managed.

It is crucial, when parents are aware of their child with autism who have a or temper tantrums, to redirect them into an area where this will not be accepted. There is the possibility, the child is over stimulated, tired, too many new things to handle and the data is too much to process, too many loud noises, unusual sounds, and bright lights, new faces of people and sometimes the food the child eats at that time.

To teach the individual with autism to be responsible for their behavior, starts at an early age, when it is noticed and it starts to create problems. Parents or caregivers, need to be aware of the sensory overloads that the child is experiencing and try to eliminate the causes if possible to avoid the behavior.

Communication with any individual is imperative, but for autistic children it too, is essential to communicate in the best appropriate way, without being intimidated.

Autistic children are responsible for their behaviors and they should be aware of the consequences that the parents or caregivers have communicated to them and have taught them, if they become out-of-line or are, unjustifiable,

Remember, it takes patience, time, discipline, consistency, unconditional love, to guide and understand that autistic children are responsible for their behaviors. In the end result, there will be positive growth, and it will assist them to become stronger individuals in our society.

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